Event information

  • Event Type: Offline
  • Location:
  • Event date: 2023-1-17 - 2023-1-18

International Intellectual Property Law Association Congress

International Intellectual Property law Association (IIPLA) is a non-governmental for-profit organization that was formed in 2014. IIPLA's mission is to promote Intellectual Property and to discuss the issues and challenges faced by IP peers around the globe. Thus, to find the solution and to enable IP peers to network and discuss, different editions of intellectual property conferences and events are organized in the USA, Europe, and UAE. IIPLA with its 21st Edition at Pullman Deira City Centre, Dubai, UAE is organizing the IIPLA Dubai aiming to enhance the effectiveness of IP Laws by organizing interaction between IP Law stakeholders, including both the public and private sectors. More than 200 IP professionals from various law firms and organizations worldwide will gather in the USA to discuss the latest in the IP industry, to showcase their products, services, and solutions to the IP Challenges.

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