Event information

  • Event Type: Offline
  • Location:
  • Event date: 2021-3-24 - 2021-3-25

3rd International Conference On Internet Of Things & Distributed Computing ( ICITDC 2021 )

Welcome to 3rd International Conference on Internet of Things & Distributed Computing ( ICITDC 2021 ) , to be held at the Bangkok, Thailand on March 24 – 25, 2021.

ICITDC 2021 will be the most comprehensive conference focused on the various aspects of advances in Internet of Things & Distributing Computing. ICITDC 2021 will provide an opportunity for academic and industry professionals to discuss the latest issues and progress in the area of IoT and DC . ICITDC 2021 will serve as a key gathering place for academicians and professionals from Computer Science, Engineering, Mathematics and related fields to come together and share the knowledge from each other.

Prospective authors are encouraged to submit papers for evaluation by the Scientific Committee. The papers can be written in English. All papers will be subjected to a “blind review” by at least two members of the Scientific Committee, on the basis of relevance, originality, importance and clarity.

Event Registration